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Boriana ANTONOVA-GOLEVA is assistant professor at the Institute for Historical Studies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. She received her PhD from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (2016). She has been assistant professor at the University of Economics – Varna (2015–2019), and has held scholarships and postdocs at the University of Ioannina (2010–2011), Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (2012–2014; 2020), the American Research Center in Sofia (2013, 2014), Aristotle University (Thessaloniki) (2010, 2017), Uludağ University (Bursa) (2016–2017), Comenius University (Bratislava) (2017–2018), the British Institute at Ankara (2018), the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2024).
Boriana Antonova-Goleva’s reseach focuses on the Southeast European infrastructure development, and particularly on the introduction of telegraphs and railways in the Ottoman Empire. She examines their construction and operation, as well as their development in a broader context, exploring the various aspects of modernization, economic transformation, industrialization, and the advent of capitalism in the region.
In TransCorr, Boriana Antonova-Goleva focuses on the modern corruption, as integral aspect of the Southeast European transformation, economic modernization, and infrastructure development. She studies its roots in the Ottoman Empire, its perception both on private level and in the public sphere, as well as the interrelationship between modernization and corruption (in the framework of the top-down/bottom-up interference between the Ottoman state and its Bulgarian subjects). An important concept applied in Antonova-Goleva’s research is the social network theory, which combined with the entangled histories approach, and the comparative approach, provides a useful interdisciplinary theoretical framework, which refines the analysis of the role and connections between the various foreign and local actors in the examined processes.
Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]
Selected Publications:
Transforming Southeast Europe During the Long Nineteenth Century: Persons and Personalities as Agents of Modernization in the Ottoman and the Post-Ottoman Space, Brill Schöningh, 2024 (co-edited with Ivelina Masheva)
‘“Top-Down” or “Bottom-Up’ Modernization: Local Railway Entrepreneurs in the Ottoman Empire in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century”, Turkish Historical Review, vol. 14, no. 1, 2023, p. 26–57
“Concessions and Mirages along the Lower Danube: The Town of Silistria in the Plans of Foreign Railway Promoters during the mid-1850s”, Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies, vol. 3, no. 5, 2020, p. 19–47