« Activities « Strategic Meetings

Team members, along with Gábor Egry, member of the International Advisory Board, were all present at the New Europe College. This strategic meeting took place in the aftermath of the first International Conference organized within the framework of the project.
Discussions focused on the variety of words historical actors used to name and / or to denounce what they perceived to be problematic and ‘corrupt’ transgressions. Each of the papers team members presented during the International Conference did include such historical semantics analysis. Discussions also focused on the novelty and continuity the meanings of ‘corruption’, of its normative core, its vocabulary, and its usages. What was new, if at all and in what ways, during the crucial transition period from the 1750s to the 1850s: these questions are at the core of TransCorr’s scientific concerns, and they were the focus elements of the International Conference as well. Team members also discussed the scientific rationale of the first edited volume, and they planned its content and structure, and they also deliberated on the topics of the future publications within the project.